Saturday, October 10, 2009

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness"

Chapter 4 - Instance

The bell rang, end of second period. Time for the break. I kept my books and my friends came to my seat. Me, Valerie and Alex headed to the door. I made a quick glance at Jack; and then suddenly, he looked at my direction. I flushed and looked away. My heart raced, our eyes met, that was enough for now. We descended the stairs and I was surprised, my hands were shaking. A single look and it affected me so much. It happened in seconds; but for me, it went on for hours. My friends kept on teasing me while going the down the staircase (which seemed to take forever); and during those times, my heart was still beating faster than normal, hands shaking like crazy and mind trying to congest what happened. It's just a look, it happened in seconds, I kept repeating the mantra over and over again. But whatever it is that happened, I knew that what meant the world to me was nothing to him, that hurt the most. When we reached the cafeteria, my appetite had gone. I just waited for Alex and Valeria near the corner, thinking, What happened was nothing, forget about it., I didn't want to be hurt anymore. It was just a simple look, he didn't mean to glimpse at my direction. Fiddle sticks! one simple look and I'm hallucinating! What if he accidentally holds my hand? Would i get composed? Can I control myself. I have to accept reality, he doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't feel the same way i feel. Valerie and Alex came to me with gleaming smiles, and I smiled back, I had friends who I could count on. Who cares about a guy anyway? We climbed up the stairs and as I stepped on the very last stride, I saw him again. Be calm, I said to myself. I can do this.


(based on a true story)